1. 鞘脂响应基因GhFDRM1在纤维发育中的功能和调控机制,2020-2023,主持,国家自然科学基金;
2. 棉花油菜素内酯相关基因的克隆和功能鉴定,2018-2019,主持,生物新品种培育科技重大专项;
3. 利用天然色素途径创建新型彩色棉材料及其应用开发,2015-2017,主持,重庆市科学技术委员会;
4. 鞘脂及GhKDSRs基因在棉花纤维伸长中的功能和调控机制,2016-2019,主持,国家自然科学基金;
5. GhTUB17 基因在纤维发育中的功能和调控机制,2014-2017,主持,国家自然科学基金;
6. 两个棉花LIM-结构域蛋白基因在纤维发育中的功能研究,2010-2012,主持,国家自然科学基金;
7. 利用油菜素内酯合成酶基因GhDET2和GhFE1改良棉花纤维的品质和产量,2004-2006,主持,国家自然科学基金;
8. 菜油固醇和谷固醇及相关基因在棉纤维细胞发育中的作用,2007-2009,主持,国家自然科学基金;
9. 油菜素类固醇调控棉花纤维产量和品质形成的分子机制和分子改良研究,2006-2010,主持,国家科技部(“863”计划);
10. 棉花纤维品质和产量相关基因的克隆和功能验证,2009-2011,主持,农业部(转基因重大专项);
11. 重庆市高等学校优秀青年骨干教师资助计划,2005-2007,主持,重庆市教委;
12. 新世纪优秀人才支持计划, 2007-2010,主持,教育部;
13. 利用陆地棉重组自交系构建高密度连锁图谱和定位纤维品质性状QTL,2004-2006,主研,国家自然科学基金;
14. 棉花纤维品质功能基因组学研究与分子改良,2004-2009,主研,国家科技部(973计划);
15. 利用激素合成与传导基因改良棉花的纤维品质与产量(重点项目),2006-2009,主研,国家自然科学基金;
16. 棉花纤维发生相关基因CF1的功能研究,2002-2004,主研,国家自然科学基金;
17. 棉花体细胞无性系变异的分子学基础研究,2001-2003,主研,国家自然科学基金;
18. 棉花黄萎病技术解决方案研究与示范(公益性行业科研专项),2007-2010,主研,农业部.
1. Fan Xu, Li Huang, Junyao Wang, Caixia Ma, Yingqing Tan, Fanlong Wang, Yanhua Fan, Ming Luo*. Sphingolipid synthesis inhibitor fumonisin B1 causes verticillium wilt in cotton. J Integr Plant Biol. 2022 Apr; 64(4):836-842. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13241.
2. Xu F, Wang L, Xu J, Chen Q, Ma C, Huang L, Li G, Luo M. (2022) GhIQD10 interacts with GhCaM7 to control cotton fiber elongation via calcium signaling. The Crop Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2022.08.011.
3. Li Wang, Xiaodong Suo, Yujie Liu, Chen Liu, Ming Luo*. Sphingosine Promotes Embryo Biomass in Upland Cotton: A Biochemical and Transcriptomic Analysis. Biomolecules. 2021 Apr 1; 11(4): 525. doi: 10.3390/biom11040525.
4. Li Wang, Chen Liu, Yujie Liu, Ming Luo*. Fumonisin B1-Induced Changes in Cotton Fiber Elongation Revealed by Sphingolipidomics and Proteomics. Biomolecules. 2020 Aug 31; 10(9):1258. doi: 10.3390/biom10091258.
5. Qi Niu, Kunling Tan, Zhenle Zang, Zhongyi Xiao, Kuijun Chen, Mingyu Hu, Ming Luo*. Modification of phytosterol composition influences cotton fiber cell elongation and secondary cell wall deposition. BMC Plant Biol. 2019 May 20; 19(1):208. doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1830-y.
6. Qian Chen, Chaoya Bao, Fan Xu, Caixia Ma, Li Huang, Qigao Guo, Ming Luo*. Silencing GhJUB1L1 (JUB1-like 1) reduces cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) drought tolerance. PLoS One. 2021 Nov 5; 16(11):e0259382. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0259382.
7. Qiaoling Wang, Qian Meng, Fan Xu, Qian Chen, Caixia Ma, Li Huang, Guiming Li, Ming Luo*. Comparative Metabolomics Analysis Reveals Sterols and Sphingolipids Play a Role in Cotton Fiber Cell Initiation. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Oct 23; 22(21):11438. doi: 10.3390/ijms222111438.
8. Xiaodong Suo, Fan Xu, Kunling Tan, Li Huang, Chaoya Bao, Ming Luo*. Functions of phytosterols in seed development of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 170, 2021, 113802, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.113802.
9. Fan Xu, Qian Meng, Xiaodong Suo, Yonghong Xie, Yueqing Cheng, Ming Luo*. Transcriptome analysis reveals the molecular mechanisms of response to an emergent yellow-flower disease in green Chinese prickly ash (Zanthoxylum schinifolium). Sci Rep. 2021 Sep 23; 11(1):18886. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-98427-5.
10. Qian Chen, Danlong Jing, Shuming Wang, Fan Xu, Chaoya Bao, Ming Luo*, and Qigao Guo* The Putative Role of the NAC Transcription Factor EjNACL47 in Cell Enlargement of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.). Horticulturae 2021, 7(9), 323; https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae7090323.
11. Qian Chen, Fan Xu, Li Wang, Xiaodong Suo, Qiaoling Wang, Qian Meng, Li Huang, Caixia Ma, Guiming Li, Ming Luo*. Sphingolipid Profile during Cotton Fiber Growth Revealed That a Phytoceramide Containing Hydroxylated and Saturated VLCFA Is Important for Fiber Cell Elongation. Biomolecules. 2021 Sep 12; 11(9):1352. doi: 10.3390/biom11091352.
12. Fan Xu, Qian Chen, Li Huang, Ming Luo*. Advances about the Roles of Membranes in Cotton Fiber Development. Membranes (Basel). 2021 Jun 25; 11(7):471. doi: 10.3390/membranes11070471.
13. Li Wang, Yujie Liu, Chen Liu, Changwei Ge, Fan Xu, Ming Luo*. Ectopic expression of GhIQD14 (cotton IQ67 domain-containing protein 14) causes twisted organ and modulates secondary wall formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol Biochem . 2021 Jun; 163: 276-284. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2021.04.004.
14. Fan Xu, Xiaodong Suo, Fang Li, Shengyang He, Chaoya Bao, Ming Luo*. Membrane lipid raft organization during cotton fiber development. Journal of cotton research, 2020, 3(2):9.
15. Guiming Li, Qiaoling Wang, Qian Meng, Guanhua Wang, Fan Xu, Qian Chen, Fang Liu 1, Yulin Hu, Ming Luo*. Overexpression of a ceramide synthase gene, GhCS1, inhibits fiber cell initiation and elongation by promoting the synthesis of ceramides containing dihydroxy LCB and VLCFA. Front. Plant Sci. 2022 Sep; 13:1000348. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1000348.
16. Qian Meng, Qiaoling Wang, Fan Xu, Qian Chen, Caixia Ma, Li Huang, Guiming Li, Fang Liu, Ming Luo*. Down-regulating a fiber-specific KCR like gene GhKCRL1 suppressed fiber elongation through blocking the synthesis of sphingolipids in fiber cell. Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 186, 2022, 115290, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.115290.
17. Li Huang, Guiming Li, Qiaoling Wang, Qian Meng, Fan Xu, Qian Chen, Fang Liu, Yulin Hu, Ming Luo*. GhCYP710A1 Participates in Cotton Resistance to Verticillium Wilt by Regulating Stigmasterol Synthesis and Plasma Membrane Stability. Int J Mol Sci \. 2022 Jul 29; 23(15):8437. doi: 10.3390/ijms23158437.
18. Liu Y, Wang L, Li X, Luo M. Detailed sphingolipid profile responded to salt stress in cotton root and the GhIPCS1 is involved in the regulation of plant salt tolerance. Plant Sci. 2022 ;316:111174. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2021.111174.
19. Sulian Lv, Huiying Miao, Ming Luo, Yinxin Li, Qiaomei Wang, Yuh-Ru Julie Lee, Bo Liu. (2017). CAPPI: a Cytoskeleton-based localization Assay reports Protein-Protein Interaction in living cells by fluorescence microscopy. Mol. Plant. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2017.09.006.
20. Kai Jiang, Hiroaki Shimotakahara, Ming Luo, Masato Otan, Hidemitsu Nakamura, Said Salama Moselhy, Khalid Omer Abualnaja, Abdulrahman Labeed Al-Malki, Taha Abduallah Kumosani, Nobutaka Kitahata, Takeshi Nakano, Masatoshi Nakajima, Tadao Asami. (2017). Chemical screening and development of novel gibberellin mimics. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 27, 3678–3682.
21. Kai Guo, Lili Tu, Pengcheng Wang, Xueqiong Du, Shue Ye, Ming Luo and Xianlong Zhang. (2017). Ascorbate Alleviates Fe Deficiency-Induced Stress in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) by Modulating ABA Levels. Front. Plant Sci. 7:1997. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01997.
22. Shasha Deng, Ting Wei, Kunling Tan, Mingyu Hu, Fang Li, Yunlan Zhai, Shue Ye, Yuehua Xiao, Lei Hou, Yan Pei & Ming Luo. Phytosterol content and the campesterol:sitosterol ratio influence cotton fiber development: role of phytosterols in cell elongation. 2016, 59, 183–193.
23. Hai-nan Liu, Jian-rong Feng1, Xiao-fang Liu, Wen-hui Li, and Wen-juan Lv, Ming Luo. (2016) Cloning of the Self-incompatibility SFB Gene from Chinese Apricot ‘Xiaobaixing’ and Construction of the SFB Expression Vectors. J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 141(5):407–413. 2016. doi: 10.21273/JASHS03722-16.
24. YE Shu-e, LI Fang, LI Xian-bi, HONG Qi-bin, ZHAI Yun-lan, HU Ming-yu, WEI Ting, DENG Sha-sha, PEI Yan1, LUO Ming. Over-expression of GhDWF4 gene improved tomato fruit quality and accelerated fruit ripening. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2015, 14(10): 1980–1991. doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(15)61059-0
25. Luo, M., Xiao, Y.H., Li, X.B., Lu, X.F., Deng, W., Li, D.M., Hou, L., Hu, M.Y., Li, Y., and Pei, Y. (2007). GhDET2, a steroid 5a-reductase, plays an important role in cotton fiber cell initiation and elongation. Plant J.51: 419-430.
26. Qian Yan, Yi Wang, Qian Li, Zhengsheng Zhang, Hui Ding, Yue Zhang, Housheng Liu, Ming Luo, Dexin Liu, Wu Song, Haifeng Liu, Dan Yao, Xufen Ouyang, Yaohua Li, Xin Li, Yan Pei, Yuehua Xiao. Up-regulation of GhTT2-3A in cotton fibres during secondary wall thickening results in brown fibres with improved quality. Plant Biotechnol J. 2018 Oct; 16(10):1735-1747. doi: 10.1111/pbi.12910.
27. Dan Yao, Yi Wang, Qian Li, Xufen Ouyang, Yaohua Li, Chuannan Wang, Lingli Ding, Lei Hou, Ming Luo, Yuehua Xiao. Specific Upregulation of a Cotton Phytoene Synthase Gene Produces Golden Cottonseeds with Enhanced Provitamin A. Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 22;8(1):1348. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-19866-1.
28. Mi Zhang, Xuelian Zheng, Shuiqing Song, Qiwei Zeng, Lei Hou, Demou Li, Juan Zhao, Yuan Wei, Xianbi Li, Ming Luo,Yuehua Xiao, Xiaoying Luo, Jinfa Zhang, Chengbin Xiang & Yan Pei(2011)Spatiotemporal manipulation of auxin biosynthesis in cotton ovule epidermal cells enhances fiber yield and quality. Nature biotechnology, 29, 453-458.
29. ZANG Zhen-le, HU Ming-yu, LI Xian-bi, CHEN Kui-jun, LIAO Peng, XIAO Yue-hua, HOU Lei, PEI Yan,and LUO Ming(2011). Molecular Identification and Expression Analysis of GhHYDRA1 Gene, a Homologue of HYDRA1 Gene From Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Agricultural Sciences in China, 2011, 10(1): 41-48.
30. Luo, M., Xiao, Z.Y., Xiao, Y.H., Li, X.B., Hou, L., Zhou, J.P., Hu, M.Y., and Pei, Y. (2007). Cloning and expression analysis of a brassinosteroid biosynthetic enzyme gene, GhDWF1, from cotton (Gossypium hirsuturm L.).Agri Sci China 6: 1297-1305.
31. Ming Luo, Kunling Tan, Zhongyi Xiao, Mingyu Hu, Peng Liao, Kuijun Chen(2008)Cloning and expression of two sterol C-24 methyltransferase genes from upland cotton (Gossypium hirsuturm L.). J. Genet. Genomics 35 (6): 357-363.
32. Zhongyi Xiao, Kunling Tan, Mingyu Hu, Peng Liao, Kuijun Chen, Ming Luo (Corresponding author) (2008) Cloning and expression analysis of GhDET3, a vacuolar H+-ATPase subunit C gene, from cotton. J. Genet. Genomics. 35 (5): 307-312.
33. 谭琨岭,胡明瑜,李先碧,覃 珊,李德谋,罗小英,赵 娟,臧振乐,李宝利,裴 炎,罗 明 (通讯作者)(2009)棉花中一个钝叶醇14α-脱甲基酶基因同源基因(GhCYP51G1)的克隆、序列特征和表达分析。作物学报,2009, 35(7): 1194−1201.
34. ZANG Zhen-le, HU Ming-yu, LI Xian-bi, CHEN Kui-jun, LIAO Peng, XIAO Yue-hua, HOU Lei, PEI Yan, and LUO Ming(Corresponding author)(2011)Molecular Identification and Expression Analysis of GhHYDRA1 Gene, a Homologue of HYDRA1 Gene From Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Agricultural Sciences in China,10(1): 41-48.
35. TAN Kun-Ling, HU Ming-Yu, LI Xian-Bi, QIN Shan, LI De-Mou, LUO Xiao-Ying, ZHAO Juan, ZANG Zhen-Le, LI Bao-Li, PEI Yan, and LUO Ming (2009). Molecular Identification and Expression Analysis of GhCYP51G1 Gene, a Homologue of Obtusifoliol-14Alpha-Demethylase Gene, from Upland Cotton. Acta Agron Sin, 2009, 35(7): 1194–1201.
36. TAN Kun-Ling, HU Ming-Yu, LI Xian-Bi, QIN Shan, LI De-Mou, LUO Xiao-Ying, ZHAO Juan,ZANG Zhen-Le, LI Bao-Li, PEI Yan, and LUO Ming (Corresponding author)(2009)Molecular Identification and Expression Analysis of GhCYP51G1 Gene, a Homologue of Obtusifoliol-14Alpha-Demethylase Gene, from Upland Cotton. ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA, 2009, 35(7): 1194-1201.
37.沈烨,罗明*. 基于文献计量学的棉花黄萎病研究态势分析. 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2020,45(6):63-71. DOI:10.13718/j.cnki.xsxb.2020.06.011.
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41. 罗 明,周建平,肖月华,李先碧,侯 磊,肖忠意,裴 炎(2007)棉花油菜素类固醇合成酶基因GhDWF1 的克隆和表达分析。中国农业科学,40(7):1337-1344。
42. HU Ming-yu*, LUO Ming*, XIAO Yue-hua, LI Xian-bi, TAN Kun-ling, HOU Lei, DONG Jing, LI De-mou, SONG Shui-qing, ZHAO Juan, ZANG Zhen-le, LI Bao-li and PEI Yan (2011) Brassinosteroids and Auxin Down-Regulate DELLA Genes in Fiber Initiation and Elongation of Cotton. Agricultural Sciences in China, 10(8): 101-105.
43. Qi-wei Zeng & Shan Qin & Shui-qing Song & Mi Zhang & Yue-hua Xiao & Ming Luo & Lei Hou & Yan Pei (2011). Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Cytokinin Dehydrogenase Gene from Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Mol Biol Rep, DOI 10.1007.
44. Yue-Hua Xiao, De-Mou Li, Meng-Hui Yin, Xian-Bi Li, Mi Zhang, Yan-Jun Wang, Jing Dong, Juan Zhao, Ming Luo, Xiao-Ying Luo, Lei Hou, Lin Hu, Yan Pei(2010)Gibberellin 20-oxidase promotes initiation and elongation of cotton fibers by regulating gibberellin synthesis. Journal of Plant Physiology, 167, 829-837.
45. Zheng-Sheng Zhang, Yue-Hua Xiao, Ming Luo, Xian-bi Li, Xiao-ying Luo, Lei Hou, De-Mou Li, Yan Pei (2005)Construction of genetic linkage map and QTL analysis of fiber-related traits in upland cotton (Gossypium lirsutumL.). Euphytica, 144: 91-99.
46. XIAO Yue-hua, PENG Yi, LUO Ming, De-Mou Li, Lei Hou, Yan Pei (2007) Sequential Amplification of Flanking Sequences by Y-shaped Adaptor Dependent Extension Using Multiple Templates. Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, 33(1): 85-90.
47. XIAO Yue-hua, Meng-hui Yin, Lei Hou, LUO Ming, Yan Pei (2007) Asymmetric overlap extension PCR method bypassing intermediate purification and amplification of wild-type template in site-directed mutagenesis. Biotechnol Lett, 29: 925-930.
48. Yue-Hua Xiao, Zheng-Sheng Zhang, Meng-Hui Yin, Ming Luo, Xian-Bi Li, Lei Hou, Yan Pei (2007) Cotton flavonoid structural genes related to the pigmentation in brown fibers. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 358: 73-78.
49. Zhang Zheng-Sheng , Li Xian-bi, Xiao Yue-Hua , Luo Ming , Liu Da-jun, Huang Shun-li and Zhang Feng-xin (2003) Combining ability and heterosis between high strength lines and transgenic Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) bollworm-resistant lines in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Agricultural Sciences in China, 2(1): 13-18.
50. Yue-Hua Xiao, De-MouLi, Meng-HuiYin, Xian-BiLi, MiZhang, Yan-JunWang, JingDong, JuanZhao, Ming Luo, Xiao-YingLuo, LeiHou, LinHu, YanPei (2010). Gibberellin 20-oxidase promotes initiation and elongation of cotton fibers by regulating gibberellin synthesis. Journal of Plant Physiology, 167, 829–837
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52. 郑尚永,郭余龙,肖月华,罗明,侯磊,罗小英,裴炎(2004)棉花MADS框蛋白基因(GhMADS1)的克隆。遗传学报,31(10):1136-1141。
53. 李先碧,肖月华,罗明,侯磊,李德谋,罗小英,裴炎(2005)两个棉花Rac蛋白基因的克隆与表达分析。遗传学报,32(1):72-78。
54. 肖月华,罗 明,韦宇拓,侯磊,裴炎(2003)棉花纤维起始期基因表达的cDNA-AFLP分析。农业生物技术学报,11(1):20-24。
55. 肖月华,罗 明,方卫国,罗克明,侯磊,罗小英,裴炎(2002)利用YADE法进行棉花基因组PCR步行。遗传学报,29(1):62-66。
56. 肖月华,罗 明,方卫国,罗克明,侯磊,罗小英,裴炎(2002)利用Y-RACE法进行棉花胚珠cDNA末端快速扩增。中国生物化学与分子生物学报,18(6):688-692。
57. 肖月华,罗 明,侯磊,罗克明,罗小英,裴炎(2002)棉花类LRR抗病蛋白(GhLRR-RL)基因的克隆及表达分析。遗传学报遗传学报,29(7):653-658。
58. 李德谋,肖月华,罗 明,侯磊,罗小英,罗克明,裴炎(2003)棉花PTS2受体基因(GhPex7)的克隆及表达分析。.遗传学报,30(9):823-829。
59. 罗小英,曾雪嘉,肖月华,罗 明,杨星勇,裴炎(2005)抗菌肽和几丁质酶基因提高烟草对黑胫病菌和赤星病菌的抗性研究。植物病理学报,35(3):249-255。
60. 张正圣,李先碧,刘大军,肖月华,罗 明,黄顺礼,张凤鑫(2002)陆地棉高强纤维品系和Bt基因抗虫棉的配合力与杂种优势研究。中国农业科学,35(12):1450-1455。
1. Hui Duan, Yi Li, Yan Pei, Wei Deng, Ming Luo, Yuhua Xiao, Keming Luo, Litang Lu, William Smith, Richard J. McAvoy, Degang Zhao, Xuelian Zheng, chandra Thammina. Plant Biotechnongy in Ornamental Horticulture; Auxin, Cytokinin and Abscisic Acid: Biosynthetic and Catabolic Genes and Their Potential Applications in Ornamental Crop. Haworth Food and Agriculture Products Press; 2006. pp347-364.
8、申请国际发明专利:棉花油菜素内酯合成酶GhDWF4基因的启动子及其应用;申请时间:2009, 国际申请号:PCT/CN2010/000992;国际公布号:WO 2011/00020.
Research interests
1)Identification of genes involved in fiber development of cotton
2)Cotton improvement by genetic modification
3)The role of steroidal hormone in the development of plant and animal
4) The functions of phytosterols and sphingolipid in the biotic and abiotic resistance
Contact information
E-mail: luomingyuan@swu.edu.cn
Phone: 023-68250042